
“모유수유모의 유방불편감 경험” (2012.12)

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작성자 오케타니 작성일13-05-24 10:55 조회5,666회 댓글0건


“모유수유모의 유방불편감 경험” (2012.12)
Uncomfortable Breast Experiences of Breast-Feeding Mothers
Seung-Ok Ro¹, In Sook Park² , Kwang- Nam Cho³
¹Department of Nursing, Shinheung College, ²College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, ³Nursing Director, Lin Women's Hospital.
Purpose of research: The main reason for the low rate of breast feeding is the uncomfortable(painful) breast experiences of breast feeding mothers, although breast-feeding has many advantages of preventing diseases, enhancing emotional exchanges between mother and baby and rapid recovery from childbirth. This study aims at elucidating the troubles taking place during breast feeding and providing basic data for nursing practice to enhance breast feeding.
Methods: The survey was conducted for 4 months starting from November 2011 by in-depth interviewing individually 20 breast feeding mothers who visited Lin Women's Hospital in Seoul for their breast discomfort. The data was analysed by Content Analysis Method(Morse & Field, 1995).
Results: A total of six themes were drawn from the data analysis. They were 'unbearable extreme pain'. 'feels floating in the air after breast massage by an expert', 'mother-in-law that giving stress but nothing'. 'useless husband and mother'
'retry of breast feeding for baby', and 'expectancy of more experts in breast feeding'.
Conclusion: It appeared that more experts in breast feeding, so called professional breast feeding manager, were needed in order to enhance breast feeding in Korea. Nurses were considered to be the most suitable and well-prepared person for the professional breast feeding manager. Enhancement of breast feeding was expected by expanding the number of professional breast feeding managers.


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3 오케타니 관련 박사논문입니다 인기글 은하수 02-28 6133
2 Abstract 인기글 오케타니 02-20 7075
1 연구실적 목록 인기글 오케타니 02-20 5976
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