모유수유학술자료 | [미국 모유수유학회 최신 저널 ] Taste of Milk from Inflamed Breasts of Breastfeedi…
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작성자 김포점한원장 작성일15-10-26 15:55 조회8,574회 댓글0건본문
Breastfeed Med. 2014 Mar;9:92-7.
doi: 10.1089/bfm.2013.0084. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
Taste of Milk from Inflamed Breasts of Breastfeeding Mothers with Mastitis Evaluated Using a Taste Sensor
Yoshida M1, Shinohara H, Sugiyama T, Kumagai M, Muto H, Kodama H.
Abstract Background: The refusal of infants to suckle from a breast that is inflamed with mastitis suggests that the taste of the milk has changed. However, the taste of milk from a breast with mastitis has never been empirically determined. The present study compares the taste of milk from breastfeeding mothers with or without mastitis and identifies specific changes in the taste of milk from mothers with mastitis. Subjects and Methods: The intensity of four basic tastes (sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami) of breastmilk from 24 healthy mothers at 3-5 days and at 2-3, 4-5, and 8-10 weeks postpartum and from 14 mothers with mastitis was determined objectively using a taste sensor. The intensity of each basic taste and the concentrations of main taste substances in milk were compared between the inflamed breasts and the normal breasts of control mothers or the contralateral asymptomatic breast of mothers with unilateral mastitis. Results: The transition from colostrum to mature milk was accompanied by changes in the taste of the milk, such as decreased saltiness and umami and increased bitterness and sourness. Umami and saltiness increased in milk from inflamed breasts. Contents of sodium, glutamate, and guanosine monophosphate increased in milk from inflamed breasts. Conclusions: Tastes that were specifically associated with inflamed breasts appeared to include an increase in umami and saltiness, which might have resulted from an increased content in factors associated with umami and sodium.
v초유에서 성숙유로의 전환은 짠맛과 감칠맛의 감소와 쓴맛, 과 신맛의 증가와 같은 모유 맛의 변화와 함께다. 감칠맛과 짠맛은 감염된 가슴의 모유에서 증가한다. 나트륨, 글루타민산, 그리고 구아노신 1인산의 성분은 감염된 가슴의 모유에서 증가한다.
감염된 가슴과 특히 관련된 맛은 감칠맛과 짠맛의 증가를 포함하는 것으로 나타났다.
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